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♻️  Async Load

Submitted by Joshua Carroll


Decorator to run a function in the background, and update the app on completion.



Decorator to run a function in the background, and update the app on completion.

When you call a function decorated with @async_load(), it will initially return None while the function executes asynchronously. A fragment will periodically execute to check when the function completes.

Once the function completes, the app will do a full rerun, and this time the function will return whatever return value or raise an error. The return value is stored in session state and re-used on any subsequent reruns.

Similar to st.cache_data, calling the function repeatedly with different arguments or key will result in separate background threads and return values. The same arguments + key will always be treated as the same run / thread.

If you set refresh_every=, the function is automatically rerun async on the specified interval, and the return value is updated on complete.


Name Type Description Default
func Callable

The function to load in the background.

poll_interval float

How often to check if the function completed once it starts running.

key str

A key to store the return value in session_state.

refresh_every int

If set, the function will be re-executed and return value refreshed at the specified interval. This is based on the start time, not the end time (so it should refresh every interval, not every exec_time + interval)

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/async_load/
def async_load(
    """Decorator to run a function in the background, and update the app on completion.

    When you call a function decorated with `@async_load()`, it will initially
    return `None` while the function executes asynchronously. A fragment will
    periodically execute to check when the function completes.

    Once the function completes, the app will do a full rerun, and this time the
    function will return whatever return value or raise an error. The return value
    is stored in session state and re-used on any subsequent reruns.

    Similar to st.cache_data, calling the function repeatedly with different
    arguments or key will result in separate background threads and return values.
    The same arguments + key will always be treated as the same run / thread.

    If you set `refresh_every=`, the function is automatically rerun async on the
    specified interval, and the return value is updated on complete.

        func (Callable): The function to load in the background.
        poll_interval (float, optional): How often to check if the function completed once it starts running.
        key (str, optional): A key to store the return value in session_state.
        refresh_every (int, optional): If set, the function will be re-executed and return value refreshed
            at the specified interval. This is based on the _start time_, not the
            end time (so it should refresh every interval, not every exec_time + interval)
    if not hasattr(st, "fragment"):
        raise ImportError("async_load requires Streamlit >=1.37 for st.fragment")

    def outer_decorator(func):
        def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
            # Use Streamlit caching hash to generate a unique key
            KEY_INTERMEDIATE = _make_value_key(
            if key:
                KEY_INTERMEDIATE = f"{KEY_INTERMEDIATE}_{key}"

            # Track the state of a given thread in session_state
            if KEY_INTERMEDIATE not in st.session_state:
                st.session_state[KEY_INTERMEDIATE] = _ThreadState()
            state: _ThreadState = st.session_state[KEY_INTERMEDIATE]
            placeholder = st.container()

            # If no status, we need to start a new run (first time or refresh)
            if state.status is None:
                # wrapper to call the function and store return value or error in state
                def wrapper():
                    state: _ThreadState = st.session_state[KEY_INTERMEDIATE]
                        state.current_return = func(*args, **kwargs)
                    except Exception as e:
                        _, _, traceback = exc_info()
                        state.error = e
                        state.error_traceback = traceback

                # Start the thread and update the state
                t = Thread(target=wrapper)
                add_script_run_ctx(t, get_script_run_ctx())
                state.thread = t
                state.status = _Status.RUNNING
                state.init_time =

                # Do a quick check to see if the function returns immediately
                # (Such as due to caching)
                if CACHE_DELAY_MS:
                    time.sleep(CACHE_DELAY_MS / 1000)
                    if not state.thread.is_alive():
                        state.status = _Status.JUST_FINISHED

            # If the thread is currently running, check the status
            if state.status == _Status.RUNNING:

                def check_status(state_key):
                    # If the thread finished, update status for next run
                    state: _ThreadState = st.session_state[state_key]
                    if not state.thread.is_alive():
                        state.status = _Status.JUST_FINISHED

                with placeholder:

            # If the thread just finished, record the result
            if state.status == _Status.JUST_FINISHED:
                if state.error is not None:
                    # TODO: Probably some way to clean up the trace even better
                    raise state.error.with_traceback(state.error_traceback)
                if state.current_return is not None:
                    # Make the latest value available during reruns
                    state.latest_return = state.current_return
                    if key:
                        st.session_state[key] = state.current_return
                    state.current_return = None
                    state.status = _Status.COMPLETE
                    raise StreamlitAPIException(
                        "Async function exited unexpectedly without return value"

            # Set a refresh timer if status is complete and this is configured
            # (otherwise, COMPLETE is the end state, do nothing except return)
            if state.status == _Status.COMPLETE and refresh_every:
                # TODO: try calculating this run_every time more precisely
                @st.fragment(run_every=refresh_every / 3)
                def refresh_timer(state_key):
                    # Subtract a small amount to reduce risk of an extra call
                    state: _ThreadState = st.session_state[state_key]
                    diff = datetime.timedelta(seconds=refresh_every, milliseconds=-200)
                    if >= state.init_time + diff:
                        state.status = None
                        state.error = None

                with placeholder:

            # Will be `None` on initial run, or latest completed value
            # This always runs unless there's an exception or JUST_FINISHED rerun()
            return state.latest_return

        return decorator

    return outer_decorator


from streamlit_extras.async_load import async_load # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠



def example():
    import time

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd


    "`refresh_data()` runs in the background, so these widgets remain fully interactive"
    st.button("Button 1")

    st.slider("Random slider", 0, 100)

    def refresh_data(x=1, sleep=2):
        return pd.DataFrame(
            np.random.randn(5, 5) * x, columns=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]

    df = refresh_data()
    if df is not None:
        "The dataframe updates every few seconds"
        "Show a skeleton while initial load runs async"
Output (beta)